The Autism Council of Rochester, Inc

Make a Donation

Why Donate?

Your tax deductible donation of:

  • $25 pays for a family of four to attend a Community activity
  • $75 provides two young adult tickets to our organized social functions
  • $150 helps a Professional to receive training and certification as an Autism specialist

Your donation will support programs that help us to explore the full potential of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Providing support services, social activities, recreational and therapeutic programs is key in helping those with ASD live productive lives.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Ways To Donate

Paypal (or Credit Card)

Click on the Donation button below to take you to the Paypal page.

By Check

Make checks payable to:
The Autism Council of Rochester
Pieter’s Family Life Center
1025 Commons Way
Rochester, NY 14623

United Way

Click here to direct your gift to The Autism Council through the United Way of Greater Rochester by choosing Agency #2496.

Amazon Smile

RiteAid Wellness+Plenti

The RiteAid Wellness+Plenti program will let you link your card, so that every time you spend money at RiteAid, they will “round up” your value to the next dollar, and give that to the The Autism Council.

To sign up, click here to go to the Wellness+Plenti Sign-up page.

Network For Good

Make a donation and have friends donate to the Autism Council (requires creation of an account). Payments are made by credit card or through PayPal.

Click Here to make a donation and have friends donate to the Autism Council (requires creation of an account). Payments are made by credit card or through PayPal.

IRA Distributions or Stock Donation

  • IRA Distributions If you receive a Required Minimum Distribution from an IRA (must be over 70-1/2 yrs. old), you can transfer that distribution directly to The Autism Council and avoid paying taxes on that money, while at the same time making a special gift to ACR. Consult your financial advisor to see if this is appropriate for you.
  • Stock Transfers Make a bigger impact by donating long-term appreciated securities, including stock, bonds, and mutual funds, directly to The Autism Council. By donating through appreciated stock transfers, you receive tax relief from capital gains taxes. You should consult your financial advisor to see if this is appropriate for you.

A tax-deductible receipt confirming your donation will be mailed to you.